Episode 7
Mirka and Maja on how arts can empower disadvantage children to find their voice in Belgrade
Today Linda talks to Maja and Mirka of Škograd, a collective of artist, teachers and other professionals. Together with kids, neigbors and staff of “Vlada Obradović Kameni” school they are talking, organizing workshops to re-think, re-imagine and together work on how to improve neighborhood of Ledine. The conversation focusses on the Summerschool that takes place every year.
To see the work of Skograd, check this video with English subtitles.
To see more, here is the movie the kids directed and filmed at Summerschool 004 last year, about the time travel meeting their hero Vlada Obradovic Kameni, check this link:
Lastly, if you can't get enough, a movie kids directed and filmed at Summerschool 001 about the dream school they envision.
This podcast is part of I-TAP-PD. To find out more about this project go to: https://i-tap-pd.net/
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Comments or questions are more than welcome, you can reach us through tappingintocreativity@kopakan.nl